I know noivern is actually a badass, but it's just so much fun to draw chibi /).3.(
Listening to Battery by Metallica so I decided to make a little doodle of my OC Battery :P
Still figuring out how to use this dumb app >:U This was for a contest, but I forgot the user and hashtag silly me
Seabreeze! :D Thanks for 600 followers guys. That's quite a lot, I didn't think I'd even get that many when I started! XD And I appreciate each and every other artist, skater, furry, pony, fangirl, and music obsessed person that has taken the time to look at my art :)
Super smexy Kyoto ;) SHE'S TO FABULOUS FOR YOU #2swaggie4u
I feel like I should involve myself in some fandoms or maybe return to my old one(s) someone. SUGGEST SOME FANDOMS!
For @theartsywolf :) Chibi #arcanine
Kyoto as a Pokemon trainer :))) she's wearing Dawn's dress lol
Finally drew the annoying girl in front of us at the GooGooDolls/MB20 Concert @theres_amber … I just forgot the beer and the iPhone
My friends > yours
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Graph Paper Press 53 Florida Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20001