Entering @theartsywolf 's contest cause it sounded fuuuuuunnn. This is Feathersong, the dream catcher themed anthro cat :p #mistyscontests_themes
Quick shout out to @wolfaroocat cause I really want this little guy he's so cute and simple
I realized that now that I have sketchbook pro I can start making deck designs again :)))) that means #scottieair is gonna be in full swing sooner or later
Very quick but much deserved fanart for one of my favorite artists, @strawbree_ . This is her charcater Joey, my favorite of hers! I have been following her pretty much since she started IG(we actually started around the same time I think) It's cool to see her art and characters grow, and I make sure to leave an encouraging comment on her photos every once in a while. She is a fan of some group called "Yogscats"??? Idek, but the way she draws the characters is spectacular!!!! Everyone should go check her out, she is really an inspiration of mine
New fursona oop #BatteryQueen
I often refer to myself as the battery queen.
Woke up this morning with a headache, back pain, and my hands hurting from stupid arthritis. Idk man, I love matching band but sometimes it really takes all te energy out of me :( buuuut imma bout to sit down and have some waffles!! :D
My shark/dragon OC Charli. Prepare yourself for more pokemon cause that is on the way.
Realistic Suicune
Someone call an ambulance I stopped breathing over here
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