I'm gonna do this cause I'm bored and have no art :)-My friend tagged me-5 Likes: Food, Sleep, Art, Music, Animals5 Dislikes: Math, Hardwood floors, When people sing off key, DVD players (yes… DVD players), Small annoying children5 Secrets: I have a bad habit of chewing on things, I like to light stuff on fire, I like my little pony, I'm starting to get obsessed with surf photography accounts, my leopard gecko licks his butt and eats his dead skin5 fears: Being alone, getting lost, drowning, never finding love, not getting a successful job ((which means im gonna get off my procrastinating ass and go do something productive ew)) //flies off to do homework
Yum #selfieswithrhombus
Watching my gecko eats his own dead skin :)))
The entire upper battery thinks I'm cool ?!? Older guys who are literally dripping amazingness from every one of their pores think I'M COOL !?!?!? I can't even – like – ahhhh *blushes and flops away*
"I hope this song starts a craze.The kind of song that ignites the airwaves.The kind of song that makes people gladTo be where they are,With whomever they're there with.This is war.Every line is about,Who I don't wanna write about anymore.Hope you come down with somethingThey can't diagnose, don't have the cure for.Holding on to your grudge.Oh its so hard to have someone to love.And keeping quiet is hard.Cause you cant keep a secretIf it never was a secret to start.At least pretend you didn't wanna get caught.."~Ok I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't, Brand New
For @xxspacemuffinxx B)
Aayyyeeeee #parkerfox
I found my old tumlbr. Let the descent into this deep dark hole ~*~begin~*~
@gottagoghost thanks for this :))) I admire artists who do line less cause I cant #batteryqueen
I was watching Riders of Berk this morning so I drew hiccup