Instagram y u crop thing :((( I really like how this turned out though!! I want to print it out and make a badge :3 Kyoto is one of y favorite OCs
Some #artforlaika ! She's so cool and I love her fursuit
I was thinking about making rhombus his own account how y'all fell about that
Homework buddy :)))
Actual picture of me right now mad at my computer and homework
Guys it's cool she deleted the post. But don't forgot to block and report so other people's art isn't stolen. Or, if your someone like me, just spam her :))
#throwback to about 10 years ago when I was actually cute and smart for my age hahahahaaaaa…..
We did a whole unit in art on ribbons?? Like why…. guess I'm really good at drawing ribbons now :)))) #batteryqueen
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