Thanks so much @komickkaptures for the sick shots! Put the other four up on my wall but I thought I might tape this one behind rhombus's cage for a little fun
Another collage thingy of recent art. Queen on the left, two people from my drumline at the top, and two sketches o Bangarang on the bottom since it's been a long time since I drew a wolf
The most metal thing
Sorry for the lack of art lately! So much homework and marching band takin up my free time… But anyway, just a picture of my vast improvement over the last few months :D Charli (at the top) has always been most difficult character to draw so I'm glad I'm getting the hang of her
Crappy crappy art to match my crappy mood. Stupid chimes. Stupid, stupid, stupid chimes. Me
Estamos son en acuerdo #equipaje
When people ask questions I don't know the answer to or don't even want to answer in the first place
I made a bookmark based on the project we did in class and I loVE IT!!! I also freaking love this book, if you haven't read Lord of The Flies you really should. It'll give you and entirely new view on humanity while scaring you to death but you keep turning the page. #LordOfTheFlies #WHAAM
I was artsy today woot woot
Finally done :D #BLAM
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Graph Paper Press 53 Florida Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20001